Written by Bettina Diwersy, Ph.D. Candidate; Prof. Stefan Köngeter and Dr. Marc Tull
Creative and art-based methods establish new possibilities for working, teaching, and learning on the lives of migrants in universities. But how exactly can these methods be implemented?
Members of the DEMO-project developed in close collaborations with their students, creative and art-based methods in the most diverse forms and ways. In the section “Creative Teaching Methods”, six of these methods are presented in six short manuals. The methods' descriptions contain clear introductions to the methods, useful information on the basic methodological approach, on requirements, and on implementation. Furthermore, these descriptions present concrete instructions for the application of these methods in specific situations and contexts, often with a specific focus on the Israeli context.
In the section “About Creative Teaching”, DEMO team members reflect on their experiences using creative and art-based methods. The videos and texts provide insights into both the process and the outcomes of these methods. The extraordinary variety of outcomes is amazing and surprised even the experienced teachers within the DEMO team. Creative and art-based methods, therefore, do not only stimulate innovative learning processes among students, they are rather the starting point of comprehensive educational processes that can extend beyond higher education institutions for students, teachers, and for community members.
Be encouraged to use creative and art-based methods in your own teaching and do not hesitate to contact the DEMO team members who developed and implemented the presented methods!