הצעות לקריאה נוספת
אמנות ויצירתיות
Amabile, T, M. (1996). Creativity in Context. Boulder: Westview Press.
Bacon, J. (2009). The Art of Community. Sebastopol: O'Reilly.
Bowie, A. (2003). Aesthetics and Subjectivity (2nd Ed.). Manchester: Manchester University Press.
Cameron, J. (1992). The Artist´s Way. New York: Penguin-Putman.
Gardner, H. E. (2011). Creating Minds (2nd Ed.). New York: Basic.
שימושים באמנות ויצירתיות
Egan, A., Maguire, R., Christophers, L., & Rooney, B. (2017). Developing Creativity in Higher Education for 21st Century Learners: A Protocol for a Scoping Review. International Journal of Educational Research, 18, 21-27.
Hickson, A. (1995). Creative Action Methods in Group Work. Bicester: Wislow.
Huss, E. & Bos, E. (Eds.) (2019). Art in Social Work Practice: Theory and Practice: International Perspectives. Abingdon, New York: Routledge.
Piirto, J. (2011). Creativity for 21st Century Skills. Boston, Rotterdam: Sense Publishers.
Simmons, H., & Hicks, J. (2006). Opening Doors: Using the Creative Arts in Learning and Teaching, Arts and Humanities in Higher Education, 5(1), 77–79.
יצירתיות וקבוצות חלשות
Coemans, S., Wang, Q., Leysen, J., & Hannes, K. (2015). The Use of Arts-based Methods in Community-based Research with Vulnerable Populations: Protocol for a Scoping Review. International Journal of Educational Research, 75,33-39.
Curry, L. (2006). Expressive and Creative Methods for Trauma Survivors. London: Jessica Kingsley.
Koo, A. (2015). Arts and Education for Underprivileged People: Community-based Art Projects Case Study. Procedia- Social and Behavioral Sciences, 174, 64-68.
תיאוריה ומחקר
Emerson, M., & Smith, P. (2000). Researching the Visual: Images, Objects, Contexts, and Interactions in Social and Cultural Inquiry. London: Sage.
Huss, E. (2011). What We See and What We Say: Combining Visual and Verbal Information within Social Work Research. British Journal of Social Work, 42(8), 1440-1459.
Huss, E. (2017). Arts as a Methodology for Connecting between Micro and Macro Knowledge in Social Work: Examples of impoverished Bedouin women’s Images in Israel. British Journal of Social Work, (48/1), 73-87.
Leavy, P. (2015). Method meets Art. New York, London: Guilford Press.
McLean, C., & Kelly, R. (2011). Creative arts in research for community and cultural change. Calgary: Detselig.