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Ethical considerations

​This section was prepared by an ad-hoc team that included: Prof.Isabell Schierenbek, Prof. Dorit Roer-Strier, Prof. Riki van Boeschoten, Prof. Stefan Kongeter, Prof. Loreta Ulvydiene, Dr. Lothar Mueller, Anda Barak, Efrat Lusky, Olga Sevastidou, Hannah Bartl. 

DEMO.IL is committed to develop innovative teaching and training methodologies to prepare graduates in applied social professions, such as teachers, social workers and community workers for practice in the diverse society in Israel. 


Ethnic, cultural, and social diversity emerges through forced or voluntary migration processes and creates pressing social, political and security challenges through fragmentation and polarization. Against this background, we believe that it is the responsibility of academia to support social professionals to reflect on these challenges and to empower them in their future professional endeavours. For this it is imperative that students become aware of the multiplicity of voices of migrants, to reflect on their own position within society and to be able to collaborate across social divides. 


This ambitious task asks for careful ethical considerations since it asks academics and students to leave the secure space of cognitive learning or, even, of the classroom and to engage with their own stories of migration and with (the voices of) those who migrated.


DEMO.IL is, therefore, committed to adhere closely to ethical principles which are defined within the teaching profession as well as in social work and in other social professions. Our teaching and training methodologies are based on respect for the inherent worth and dignity of all people and the individual, social and civil rights that follow from this. DEMO.IL is committed to respect and to promote people’s rights to make their own choices and decisions, irrespective of their values and life choices, provided this does not threaten the rights and legitimate interests of others. It is, therefore, imperative that all teaching and training methodologies give all participants the choice to engage in a way that is and feels safe and secure for them. 

In the attached files, you can find recommendations for addressing ethically
sensitive issues in teaching about immigrants' lives.

Disclaimer: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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