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Gordon Academic College

Gordon Academic College (GACE) was established in 1953 and is accredited to bestow B.Ed. and M.Ed. degrees.  Located in Haifa, GACE serves Israel's northern peripheral areas and populations. It is a multicultural institution and has 2,500 students and over 250 faculty members representing the ethnic, religious and cultural groups of Israel's North (Jews, Muslims, Christians, and Druse).  It is the only teaching college that has a program to teach about Druze Traditions for Israel’s Druze Educational system. GACE was the first teaching college in the country to establish a Multicultural Educational Resource Center whose goals include training teachers in cultural diversity and to enhance attitudes of tolerance and co-existence among diverse groups in Israel. It has also implemented numerous community programs with immigrant and minority groups. GACE coordinated a TEMPUS IV 5th Program and is now coordinating an ERASMUS+ Program and has been a partner in a number of Capacity Building programs.

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Dr. Rhonda Sofer

Rhonda Sofer is the co-head of DEMO in Gordon College. She is the Director of the Center for International Relations, Programs and Multicultural Education. She is an applied anthropologist who holds a Ph.D. from Rutgers University. She has been working in the field of teacher training for over 30 years, has introduced anthropology and multicultural education to thousands of Jewish and Arab-Israeli students and teachers and developed resources for a range of community projects. Rhonda was the program initiator and coordinator of the TEMPUS DOIT project: and has been awarded an honorary doctorate from Sokhumi State University in Georgia for her contribution to the academic development through this project. Presently she is coordinating an Erasmus+ CURE program:

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Dr. Evanna Ratner

Evanna Ratner is a co-head of DEMO in Gordon College. She is a Lecturer at the Media and Communication Department. She is involved in teaching and research in teacher preparation and media literacy. Evanna is an Expert in "Dialogue through Media", peace education and a coordinator of Media Studies at the Ministry of Education. Among her publication are: Ratner, E. (2015) "Co-existence in dialogue through cinema: The effect of bi-national movie production on mutual understanding of ”the other”, Ph.D. Dissertation, Faculty of Education, Haifa University, Haifa.

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Dr. Roxana Reichman

Roxana Reichman is a Lecturer at the Graduate School of Education. She is an expert in comparative education and education administration, immigrants' lives and has publications on these subjects. In the past two decades, she has also worked for ten years at the Department of Educational Management in Haifa University. Roxana has served as a vice coordinator of the Tempus program DOIT, a member of the Tempus program LLAF and the Erasmus programs DARE and CURE and developed curricula for these programs. She is coordinator of Qualitative Methodology at GACE and is involved in creative pedagogies in higher education. In DEMO, she has developed innovative curriculum dealing with immigrants' lives and collaborates with colleagues in this field. Her last publication is Reichman, R.G. (2018).  The university challenge: Students' transformation (p.192-210). In Jackson, S (Ed). Developing transformative spaces in higher education. Routledge, London.

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Dr. Sveta Roberman

Sveta Roberman is a social anthropologist and a Senior Lecturer at the Department of Inclusive Education. Her research centers on immigrants from the Soviet Union. She authored a number of professional articles and two books on this subject:


Roberman, S. (2005). Memory in Migration: WWII Red Army Veterans in Israel. Jerusalem, Magness; and Roberman, S. (2015). Sweet Burdens: Welfare and Reciprocity among Russian Jews in Germany, New York, SUNY Press.

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Mr. Tomer Ben hamou

Tomer Ben Hamou (MA), is affiliated with the Department of Social Development and the International Center. He is an expert in leadership training and the development of involvement in the community through utilizing innovative methods for collaborative work such as place-making and the world café.   An expert in both inter-institutional and international collaboration, Tomer has contributed to several ERASMUS+ programs (CURE and DEMO) including creating programs for both Hebrew and Arabic institutions in Israel.

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Mr. Yair Gil

Yair Gil teaches at the Department of Communication and is an Israeli media activist. Yair teaches photography and video production in formal and informal educational settings, from summer camps in the U.S. through museums and schools to the Department of Communication at the University of Haifa and Gordon College of Education. He has been documenting marginal political protest groups and environmental issues in the periphery of Israel for over 15 years, publishing in traditional media and online outlets.


Ms. Davida Pollak

Davida Pollak is a Lecturer at the Department for Innovation and Technology in Education where she teaches educational technology practices. Her efforts are focused on professional development of the faculty regarding integration and implementation of educational technology in order to promote and support collaborative learning, and apply innovative ways of teaching and learning. She participated in various international project at the Gordon Academic College.

Disclaimer: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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