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Migration and displacement - Physical and emotional Journeys:
from personal experiences ​to global phenomena ​and activism

Bezalel Academy of Art & Design

Course Designers & Lecturers:  Mr. Eytan Shouker & Ms. Ruti Kantor

Course Description:

The participants in this course embark on journeys that take them from their personal experiences to global and communal interfaces. Assuming that the experience of migration and displacement is shared by almost every family in Israel, and that students are familiar with difficulties associated with migration (i.e. acquiring a new language; adapting to a new culture; feeling alienated and insecure) – they are required to research their own intimate social circles and present the result of their researches in visual forms. They are then asked to create an artistic intervention within a community of their choice. The course integrates theory and practice. We discuss various perspectives of the topic, i.e. anthropological, psychological and sociological perspectives. At a later stage, the students broaden their view to the wider context of Israeli culture. This is done within interdisciplinary working teams.

For more information:  Eytan Shouker:

                                 Ruti Kantor:

Disclaimer: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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