"Mixed" subjects, migration and nationalizing societies
Ben Gurion University of Negev
Course Designer & Lecturer: Dr. Julia Lerner & Ms. Ayala Keissar-Sugarman
Course Description:
As migration and globalization tend to expand, so do mixed ethnic-racial or religious marriages. Yet, mixed subjects are in an ambiguous position in many nationalizing societies; immigrants and families of mixed ethnic, religious, racial and cultural origin often challenge the purist or primordial perceptions of national home and belonging to the homeland. This course follows the ways in which the subjectivity of the mixed immigrants is constructed when they encounter with formal bureaucratic, established religious and cultural structures. We ask what the implications of accepting the "half-brothers" in nationalizing societies are; whether they construct new meanings of belonging or new mechanisms of exclusions; does "mixedness" appraise multiculturalism and tolerance; and whether mixed subjects inspire revival and change?