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University of Hildesheim

Educational Science & Social Sciences is one of the four faculties at the University of Hildesheim (Germany). This faculty offers BA and MA programs as well as different doctoral-programs in the fields of Educational Science, Pedagogical Psychology, Social Work and Organization Studies. The University of Hildesheim is well connected through intense and enriching contacts with local and regional social service organizations and educational institutions as well as with similar institutions worldwide.

At the Institute of Social Pedagogy and Organization Studies, issues related to border-crossing mobility and migration are essential elements of both research and teaching. A strong focus is laid on fostering research on transnational social support, for which the transnational research network TRANSSOS ( was founded. The PhD program and training group funded by the German Research Foundation also promotes young researchers’ activities as well as international staff exchange, focusing on the topic of transnational migration. In order to best prepare students for their future activities as social workers, important societal issues are regularly dealt with in specific courses. Furthermore, the Institute of Social Pedagogy and Organization Studies is a partner in a number of local, regional, national and international projects.


Prof. Wolfgang Schröer

Wolfgang Schröer is the head of DEMO in Hildesheim University. He is a Professor at the Institute of Social and Organizational Pedagogy. His research activities range from contributions on child and youth services and welfare, transnational social work, interculturality and migration and transitions to adulthood and work, to contributions on citizenship, civil society or educational theory. Wolfgang authored numerous publications in the German professional press.

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Dr. Alice Altissimo

Alice Altissimo is a researcher at the Institute for Social and Organizational Pedagogy. Her research interests include transnationalism, mobility/migration, youth, higher education and qualitative network analysis. She was involved in various international research and capacity building projects about youth mobility and curriculum development.

Disclaimer: "This project has been funded with support from the European Commission.

This publication [communication] reflects the views only of the author, and the Commission cannot be held responsible for any use which may be made of the information contained therein."

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